10 August 2006


Less than two weeks now until Aidan is due to arrive kicking and screaming into the world.......perhaps a world more on the brink of chaos than at any other time in my conscious awareness.........but that's neither here nor there.......the preparations have been made.......we have more baby stuff than i knew it was possible to own.....the room has a fresh new coat of paint........the crib has been assembled.......a blanket has been lovingly made by Tracy's own hand.......the diaper genie waits at the ready......so like i said.....we're ready.....

That said, I've been slowly withdrawing from the social life of downtown Augusta......over the past several months, the only times i've been out have been on the occasions i've had to play shows......now with no shows booked and none in the planning for at least the next two months, my withdrawal deepens......

I'm taking a month off from work as well to enjoy my new son........so my world is about to become very insular and family oriented.......at least for a time.......some people might find that thought frightening.....others might be comforted by it.....as one who has historically become bored very quickly with anything resembling stasis, i'm at peace with the idea......but then, there's NOTHING static about a newborn......

And of course........one can never totally withdraw from society when there is fantasy football to be played........

Rock it like you're trying to commit murder.....


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