02 December 2007

IN PIECES.........my response to a local tragedy....

A gas station restroom
Is no place to die
One year old
Three years old
Is no time to die
At the hands of your own mother
Is no way to die
She left you in pieces


My heart absolutely aches for the children of a young,struggling mother who was clearly mentally ill when she exacted a death sentence upon them....and i can't help thinking of my little one.......and that just makes my heart ache more......it's a sad time in my community...........

Rock it like you love your children.......PREVENT harm..........



Missy Frye said...

Egads! She's just a kid herself! This breaks my heart.

L.P. said...

This is what happens when Barbie-girls can't handle the stress of trying to maintain the perfection that society tries to force mold them into. There are few things more tragic or horrifying than a mother killing her children. You can't help but wonder what pushes them to completely breaking mentally to where they see no alternatives other than horrendous violence. I need a drink now.

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Sad, isn't it? We need to do more for the parents in our society -- both moms and dads, although I don't want to diminish the horror of post-partum depression.

An easy way to do it is to reach out to our fellow parents. Volunteer to help out, to take their kids for even an hour. And mostly, don't make anyone feel bad about asking for help, whatever the kind, whenever the time. I know that's been an issue for me since I've had kids. I've had to learn to reach out and ask for things, as much as I hate to impose.

Sometimes, you need to. And more often than not, it's not an imposition.

STAK said...

i've just had the hardest time understanding this event...my mind tries to imagine the horror those children went through....no one is more trusted than a mother by her children......did their minds have time to process what was happening?.........oh God! it's just too hard to imagine.....what did the one child think as the first one was being butchered?.....Jesus.......this whole thing just breaks me down......

Rhian said...

yeah. what else can be said?
i'd hug ya if you were near by, sweetie.
so you go hug that baby and terrific wife instead.

Jill said...

It is always sad to hear how people can hurt kid... Even more if it is by the hand of their parents.