26 June 2007

APPARENTLY, MY ASS ROCKS...........is that a good thing?......

The fact that this tag used to say "girl" in the middle is not lost on me...........i'm kind of amused by it..........however, i would like to take this oppurtunity to thank
Rhian as well as the Academy for this honor........even if i did have to show my ass to get it...........

Rock it like a meteorologist.......Rock it like a hurricaine........



savannah said...

damn...noticed the date on the link rhi posted AFTER i had left a comment...anyway..great pic...and do you take requests? my birthday is 31dec :)

Julia Phillips Smith said...

I have to admit I moseyed on over to the ass picture for a gander. That is quite darling!

Congrats on your Rockin' Guy Blogger award!

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Damn, Stak, I didn't have to show ass to get the Rockin' Wench award!

It's a cute ass, though. Just... don't tell the Tour Manager I said that. He'll get upset; he thinks his is the cutest.