17 July 2007

SHIT!!!.........FUCK!!!........DAMNITT!!!............and other dirty words.............

So now the word comes down after months of feverish,sweaty speculation by ESPN and it's mooky hordes of half retarded talk show hosts (read=too ugly for TV commentary)........Michael Vick has been indicted in what is essentially an interstate gambling racket.........at least, that's what the Feds are interested in..........the rest of the country is more pre-occupied with the brutality of the organized dog fighting aspect of the indictment........i could argue all day long about priorities(some folks would take the life of a DOG over the life of a child......and that brings up a whole other set of arguments, because i'm fairly certain that more children die at the hands of their own parents than dogs at the hands of organized dog fighters.........BUT BUT BUT.......that doesn't excuse the actions of organized dog fighters.........misplaced priorities is all i'm saying).........but the bottom line is this...........FUCK "OOKIE"!!!..........SHIT MAN!!!..........finally,finally, finally the possible line up of talent needed to contend with THE FALCONS and your dumbass gets busted for this retarded shit!!!........WHAT!?!!.........126MILLION wasn't enough for you?!?!?!..........if you're guilty of this, you're more than just dumb(as you've been accused of being over and over in the "sports press").......you are RETARDED...........JOEY MOTHER FUCKING HARRINGTON?!?!?!?...............FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK................



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