22 August 2007


I have always been in love with severe wheather..........fascinated by it..........

I sat out on the deck today as thunder rolled in surround sound all about me ..........

One strike..........one direct hit......or even an indirect hit..........and you are literally Toast.............

I thought about that one and done scenario............

Rock it like you're living with no fear..........DARE the lightning.......



Rhian said...

congrats on American Skin Metro Best nomination! i'm pimping your ass (literally)on my blog. heh.

and yeah - i likem stormy nights too.

STAK said...

heya!!!.........thanks!!!.......i voted for ya..........

Jill said...

I have never understood why some are so afraid of thunderstorm!!
The best part of it, is the wind that is so warm just before it!!

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

I learned a new respect and love for severe weather this summer.

But I got hit by a metaphorical lightning bolt tonight and let me tell you, it feels like SHIT.

STAK said...

hmmmmmmmm........metaphorical lightning bolt?.......wonder what that coulda been.........God, i hope nobody's pregnant!!.........