30 March 2007

CONTINUUM..........the evolution........or a short account of an attack.....

Unable to sleep, i stepped out onto the front deck........i noticed how cool and clear the air was, wishing momentarily for a jacket, but too lazy to go back inside to retrieve it.......i made a quick inventory of my surroundings......the large moths splayed out against the side of the house beneath the porch light........the bat making wide arcs around the utility light in the yard....the emergence of the spiders in the cool march night(around here they nearly envelope the house in silk this time of year)......i have to brush away errant web from my face.....a pair of nightengales calling to each other through the woods........the halo around the moon.........

I lit a cigarette and tried to think.......many things on my mind that were keeping me from sleep.........dangling in front of me and cluttering up the works to ward off my fatigue.......my life was on the edge of great change.......a new job awaited in the wings.........and with it, a great many worries.........a great many things that could go wrong.........i was leaving behind the known and taking on new challenges........i was in no small amount of fear.........and no small amount of excitement..........this all added up to lots of anxious energy............and i could not lie still in bed.....so nicotine was in order.......

I pulled from the cigarette and felt a shiver rise up my spine like a virus......i noticed the air go still..........the nightengales went silent..........i looked up and the bat was no longer dive-bombing insects under the utility light......the moths were gone from beneath the porch lamp............

It was upon me in an instant.........before i realized the full weight of the beast, i was on the way to the floor of the deck,off balance.........it seemed a tornado of fur,fangs and claws.....a violence(as violence can so often seem)so sudden as to defy written description.........the air left my lungs as i hit the deck, the creature(dog,wolf,bear,pyschopath...i dunno) tore at my back.......i was now being savaged........white hot pain shot through my back and i was briefly aware of warm moisture running down my right side as flesh was ripped from my back above my shoulder blade......the growls drove me to panic as consciousness faded away to a pinpoint.........i remember thinking how heavy upon my back the weight of the attacker seemed and how fast it took me down..........it had cleared the railing of the deck without a sound.......and that was a good 16 foot vertical leap.......i thought........."the NBA could use this fucker".........and i was out..........

I awoke covered in the morning damp.....and loads of spiderweb.....my dog Mudd licking my face...........and despite the damage that should've been done to my body, i felt strong and good.........there was dried blood all about.........but all i could think about was going to Waffle House for a bloody steak dinner.........oh, i'd order the eggs to go with it of course...........but i was only gonna eat that steak...............

Rock it like you're posting your drafts.....mistakes be damned..........



Rhian said...

awww - sounds like one of my friends came to visit. raw steak...yum.

Barb said...

Good writing :)

Sebastien Millon said...

I think it was a group of killer squirrels, they pack quite a punch. One could easily mistake a killer squirrel attack for a bear/wolf attack... glad you were ok. Steak is always good!