30 April 2007

SNOOZE BAR APOCALYPSE.........poetry train car number two.......

I exist in this limbo.......nerves jangled by the alarm clock
snooze button having been depressed a third time
drifting through strange epic flights of lunacy
not quite asleep
not awake either.......in between
i slide into the dream fully aware that i'm dreaming
a long journey to the shore ensues
water provided along the way by familiar strangers
i reach the coast and join a church raising party
the ladies give up before the work is done
in the Bible i seem to recall a foretelling of the faithful
giving up on the church in the end days
i stand by in amazement as the beach is flooded with screams
as the creatures of the ocean begin to devour the swimmers
blood stew
then as tidal waves crash upon the shore
fires blaze through california
and countless starlets are crushed under the earthquake decay
the alarm clock rings again



Rhian said...

stak - this is darkly wonderful on so many levels. i also like the flow and then harsh break and then resuming of flow - the poem's structure reinforces the imagery.

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Cool dystopia. I really hope your dreams aren't this brutal!

Amy Ruttan said...

Ok, I used to dream about this kind of stuff all the time when I was a teenager. Great poem, great imagery!

Wylie Kinson said...

Bravo Stak! Your imagery is breath-taking, in a frightening sort of way :)
blood stew... love it.

And during those asleep/awake moments, my mind drifts to Brad Pitt fantasies. I feel so shallow...

STAK said...

Thanks you all.......i'm flattered.......such positive strokes and from the likes of you guys.............

This poem is actually kinda like the song "Tribute" by Tenacious D where they sing about the time they came up with the best song in the world.........this poem is my memory of a poem a wrote about 12 years ago........the original was much richer in the descriptive sense............it was roundly rejected by no less than a dozen publications........one guy's critique stated that i lost him on the journey to the coast......